Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nathanial on the zip line

There was a zip line at the family reunion this year and Nathanial wanted to go on it so I said ok.
Well to my surprise he went 4 or 5 times and loved it! I am posting some pictures for you all to see that was his favorite thing of the weekend:)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


today when it was 5 mins and 6 seconds after 4 the time and date was 04:05:06:07:08:09 did everyone know that... and that at twelve thirty four and fifty six seconds this date and time was
12:34 56 07-08-09

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Count Down

Ok don't ask me why but it just downed on me that my Great nephew should be here any day:) I believe her due date is the 17th that's just 10 more days:) Hey Rue that means only a few more days you will become freaking old:) lol I will post pics as soon as he is here:)

My blog layout!

Gotta give credit where credit is do.......................... Candi designed my blog page for me and it is awesome:) Thanks Candi you are wonderful!

Turning the horses out!

We have had the horses pined at the barn for the last few weeks but Carl D turned them out this weekend so that the can graze down the arena and then he is planing to start roping again:)

Joes Shark

my brother Joe went fishing on the coast and caught this shark! It was 5 foot 1 inch. I think Mom is a little upset because the shark was bigger than her:) lol

Nathanial in Colorado

Nathanial just spent a week in Colorado and got to go sledding ............... yes snow sledding in June:)

Toooo funny

ok the pictures are going the wrong way:)

This was toooo funny....................... Shelby was down at the barn with Carl D. & Billy D. on the 4th and just as the phone rang I heard Shelby come in the house before I could see what she needed I answered the phone it was Carl D he said "shelby is on her way to the house she needs clothes to go home with Papa" I asked him why and he said "she got mad at me and wants to go home with Papa so I told her she could go." I said ok and got her a bag together and set it by the door so that when Billy D got ready to go he could stop and get it. About 5 min later I heard her go outside. I went to check on her and she had her bag and was going right then all by herself but then she decided the bag was to heavy and went to the barn got her jeep and came back for her bag:) I got the camera and took pictures of all this with out her even knowing I was anywhere around:)


Back in May Shelby went to the post office with me and Mrs Jill was planting flowers. Jill asked Shelby if she was going to plant flowers and Shelby said yes:) Long story short for the last 2 months now Shelby has wanted to plant flowers so when we took Nathanial to Raton the other day I let Shelby get some & she is soooooo excited to have her own flowers that she planted herself! She has 2 pots one on each side of our back gate & some in the flower bed out front:)

Crickett our new horse!!!!

Ok so a couple of weeks ago Billy D and Kevin gave the kids a red dun horse! He is kinda old but is a really sweet horse and is great for the kids. Nathanial has rode him a couple of times but Shelby would stay in the saddle all the time if we would let her & Makayla likes to pet them and says horsey but she doent like to ride yet:)

4- H

Nathanial is getting his lambs ready for the big show. It is only one month from now:) Shelby is his little helper!